Archive for the ‘Wildlife’ Category

Dingo Ecology deserves respect on Fraser Is

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011
Fraser Island Dingo
[Source: ^]


‘The dingo population on (Fraser) island is regarded as the most pure strain of dingoes remaining in eastern Australia’.

~ ^UNESCO World Heritage


‘Dingoes were once common on the island, but are now decreasing. They are some of the last remaining pure dingoes in Eastern Australia and to prevent cross-breeding, dogs are not allowed on the island. There was no recorded history of dingoes attacking humans on Fraser Island up until 1995.

In April 2001, a boy wandered away from his family and was discovered dead, with indications of a dingo attack. Thirty-one dingoes were killed by authorities as a result of the incident. In 2004, a dingo entered a hotel room on the island where a baby was lying on a bed. It was chased off before any incident occurred. Feeding or attracting the attention of dingoes remains illegal.

The remaining number of dingoes on the island is estimated to be 120 to 150 as of January 2008 and sightings are becoming rarer.’

[Source: ^]




Need to Control Humans


Given the recent history of parental negligence on Fraser Island, has it got to the point of mandating an ‘Adults Only’ responsible presence on Fraser Island?

Such a respectful ecological policy would ensure that only responsible human adults share and respect Fraser Island without risking more starving dingos to be shot in some twisted vengeance by so-called ‘wildlife officers’.

Australia’s national disgrace – starving dingos cornered on their native Fraser Island
[Source: ^]


What is the Queensland Government’s latest brand name for its agency responsible for Fraser Island’s supposed World Heritage values? – ‘Department of Environmental Resource Management‘ – who’s flaming resource?  Is Queensland still redneck about tourism revenue and exploitation of this World Heritage tourism brand?.

Dingos are wild Australian animals.

Why haven’t Australian tourists learnt from Australia’s Azaria Lesson that children and wildlife don’t mix?

“The Fraser Island Dingo is believed to be the purest strain of Dingo on the East Coast of Australia.  It is illegal to feed or touch the Dingoes as it causes the animals to become “humanised”.  There have been recorded instances of Dingoes attacking humans with the fatal attack of a 9 year old boy.  This is not a regular occurence and if people are aware of the danger then these instances can be minimised.”
[Source:  ^]




Need to Restore Dingo Ecology on Fraser Island


The problem of the health, viability and survivability of Fraser Island Dingos is a joint responsibility of the Queensland Government and Australian Government.

Why the deliberate slaughter of dingos by the very Government agency charged with Fraser Island’s ecological integrity: ‘Department of Environmental Resource Management‘?

‘The recent slaughter of a very large number of one of the last genetically pure populations of dingoes in Australia (on Fraser Island) has prompted an overwhelming call by our member organisations to press for better protection for dingoes, both from acts of State-sanctioned cruelty and from the extreme and urgent threat of extinction.’

[Source: ^]

Starved dingo pup found on Fraser Island
Photo by local resident Judy Daniel, 2010
[Source:  ^]



Further Reading:



The Australian Dingo (or ‘Warrigal’) – a species deserving protection


[1]   Fraser Island (UNESCO World Heritage) website, ^

[2]   ‘Dingo protected in Victoria‘,20081024,




Dingos are wild native animals


[3]   ‘Girl, 3, bitten by dingo at Fraser Island‘, ^ girl-3-mauled-by-dingo-at-fraser-island

[4]  ‘Dingo attacks child on Fraser Island‘, 20090807, ^ dingo-attacks-child-on-fraser-island

[5]   ‘Dingo attacks Fraser Island tourist‘, 20110121,  ^dingo-attacks-fraser-island-tourist

[6]  ‘Dingo attacks tourist on Fraser Island‘, ^dingo-attacks-tourist-on-fraser-island

[7]   Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton website, ^

[8]   ‘Dingo attacks in Australia‘,  ^

[9]   ‘Dingo ‘superpack’ roams Fraser Island‘,  ^

[10]  ‘Fears tourists’ dingo interaction threatens camping‘, Kallee Buchanan 20100316, ABC News,




Saving Fraser Island Dingos


[11]  ‘Dingo enthusiast Jennifer Parkhurst fined $40k for feeding animals on Fraser Island‘,

Kristin Shorten, The Courier-Mail, Brisbane, 20101104, ^woman-fined-40k-for-feeding-dingoes


[12]  ‘I’m shattered, says dingo raid protester‘, 20090907, The Noosa Journal, Australia,


[13]  ‘Battle over the fate of Fraser Island’s dingoes‘, 20110108, Sydney Morning Herald,

^ battle-over-the-fate-of-fraser-islands-dingoes

[14]   ‘Dingo Management‘, ^

[15]  ‘Fraser Island dingoes face extinction‘, Glenis Green, The Courier-Mail (newspaper), Brisbane, 20090523,

^ fraser-island-dingoes-face-extinction

[16]  Fraser Island Footprints, ^

[17]  Fraser Island Dingos Organisation (FIDO) website,  ^

[18]  ‘A Draft Dingo Management Strategy for Fraser Island‘,  FIDO website,


[19]   ‘Values of Fraser Island Tourism‘, FIDO website,


[20]   Fraser Island Management Committee,


[21]  ‘Nomination of the Dingo as a threatened species‘, 2001, Australian Wildlife Protection Council,


[22]   ‘Tourism operators criticise LNP Fraser Island plan‘, Kallee Buchanan, ABC TV News, 20100902,


[23]  ‘Saving our wildlife from urban sprawl‘, 20101224,,


[24]  Fraser Island, ^


Wild dingos on Fraser Island
..deserve a healthy viable ecosystem, deserve to be left alone.
[Source:  ^]


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