Archive for December, 2009

‘A voice for native habitat’

Thursday, December 17th, 2009

by  Editor 20091217.

This website’s focus:  ‘a voice for native habitat’



Fresh stump of a 500 year old-growth Eucalytus regnans,
killed by John Brumby’s VicForests at Brown Mountain, East Gippsland.
© 2009 Environment East Gippsland

Native Habitat

The term ‘native habitat’ can be described as an ‘ecosystem’ – the biological and physical components of a natural environment.This website focuses on the ecology of flora and fauna and regards an ecosystem as the natural home or ‘habitat’ of flora and fauna. Native habitat is an holistic ‘natural home, natural life’ view of nature.We take fauna-centric and flora-centric views of the natural landscape, not an anthropocentric (human needs) view.

The intended direction of this website is to raise public awareness about the values of native habitat, about the degradation and loss of native habitat and about its scarcity value.Industrial-scale exploitation has reduced much of the world’s native habitat to remnant islands.

We challenge land management policies and practises that are inconsistent with custodial respect for the health, integrity and existence rights of native habitat.We challenge the many human threats that continue to destroy remnant native habitat and which collectively are accelerating local extinctions.

Flora and fauna cannot speak, do not have relocation choices like humans, cannot protest their plight, cannot lobby politicians, and cannot stop the bulldozers.

Once they’ve gone, they’ve gone forever. 

The Habitat Advocate is an advocacy for wildlife and habitat conservation, for better applied ecology and for changing harmful destructive human cultures.
The Habitat Advocate is a voice for native habitat. This is our creed and our motto.


Bonnie Doon Reserve, Katoomba, Blue Mountains, Australia,

threatened by State-sanctioned arson, propagandised as ‘hazard reduction’

by the New South Wales Rural Fire Service

[Photo 6-Dec-08]

Habitat Philosophies

These terms shall be elaborated upon and explored during the development of this website endeavour…


·         A voice for native habitat
·         Embracing Complexity
·         Ecocentric Ethics
·         Species Justice
·         Human Pathogen
·         Anti-destructionism
·         Habitat Sovereignty
·         Deep Ecology
·         Socio-Ecology
·         Wholeness Principle
·         Fresh Learning
·         Sustainable Prosperity
·         Fostering Knowledge Exchange
·         Local Community Partnering
·         Independent Citizen Journalism
·         Custodial Humility

© The Habitat Advocate    Public Domain

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