Archive for September, 2011

Stihl woodchipping Tasmania’s Western Front

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

Like a skin-burned landscape flaking, Tasmania’s disappearing wild forests are revealed on Google Maps. The 19th Century colonial timber-getting landscape around Hamilton in the lighter treeless region on the right of the image.  In 2011 the colonial mentality pervades in burnt clearfelled coupes on the left side of the satellite image below. Tasmania’s tall Eucalypt forests and the ecosystems they support face a denuded Hamilton vision or at best a sterile silviculture.

Fourth generation Tasmanian loggers knowing no better, mindlessly scarring  their rich timbered homeland for a pittance to feed the profits of multinationals, and knowingly deny their children the endless Tasmanian forests they knew as children.  It is Thylacene Bigotry repeated down generations.

Satellite Map of Tasmania showing vast areas of clearfelled native forest scars.
(Click photo to enlarge)
(Simply go to Google and type in Tasmania Map in Google and zoom in)

The culprit, Forestry Tasmania (FT), has made it a cliche to hide its destruction from public roads, but can no longer hide from Google Maps.

Zooming in on the massive scaring of the Florentine Forest.
(click to enlarge image)
(Google Maps)


Zooming in on the massive scaring of the Styx Valley Forest.
(Google Maps)


‘This charred scene of forest devastation here in Southern Tasmania stands as a stark symbol of the industrial scale logging operations that are ripping apart Australia’s native forests every single day. Harvey Norman needs to stand up, show some genuine environmental leadership and stop selling native forest products to the Australian people’ said Ms Majewski.  [^]

[Source:  ‘Massive banner unfurled in Tasmania drawing attention to Harvey Norman forest destruction’, by anonymous 20010811, ^ Video]



So where does Harvey Norman’s EKO Wood ‘Jatoba’ come from?…

Jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril)
A tall rainforest hardwood tree common to the Caribbean, Central, and South America.
It is killed for hardwood furniture and flooring.
Go to hell Harvey Norman, go!


The bastards are clear-felling Tasmania’s majestic Styx Valley in 2011!
Do they hate Tasmania that much?
(Source: ^
(Photo: R. Blakers)


Tools of the trade for Forestry Tasmania – Industrial Forestry Bondage – a CAT 553 fellerbuncher-
But then machines are more efficient than people, and unlike selective logging, with contract woodchipping you don’t have to think ~ ‘its all good’.
Shit Money. Shit Future. Pulping Tasmania’s Heritage so that Jap’s can sell their paper back to us mugs.
(click to enlarge photo)

Husqvarna – ‘taming the wild’ and selling their last chainsaws to a dying culture
– like the Japs killing dolphins at Taijin.


Stihl Chainsawing Tasmania’s Western Front


A FT holocaust survivor
(‘Holocaust’ comes from the Greek, holos meaning ‘completely’  and kaustos ‘burnt’
~ to burn away, leaving no trace of what was previously there.     (A. Krien, 2010, p.122)





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