Archive for October 8th, 2011

Forestry Tasmania – Utter Spite at Camp Flozza

Saturday, October 8th, 2011
Tasmania’s ancient Eucalyptus regnans of the Upper Florentine, South-West Tasmania…chainsawed in utter spite by Forestry Tasmania in its infamous forest raid on Tuesday 13th January 2009.
(Photo at Camp Flozza, Upper Florentine, South-West Tasmania,  by editor 20110928,
Photo free as always in public domain – click to enlarge, then click to enlarge again)




‘There are people at Forestry who obviously don’t see green,

they see red..

The bunker mentality surfaces,

the big boots go in,

the chainsaws are fired up.

and ‘Common Sense’…goes out the window.’

[Source: Editorial, The Mercury, 20070219]



The 2009 Bartlett-Gordon Old Growth Massacre

Then Tasmanian Premier David Bartlett


Then Forestry Tasmania Managing Director Bob Gordon


13 January 2009:   ‘Camp Floz Busted…Camp Flozza was raided by 60 cops this morning. They are back in force to ensure logging starts in the pristine Upper Florentine. They are held off by 3 conservationists in 50m high tree sits, 2 in cars locked to the road, and one in a tunnel.’

‘Push came to shove in the Upper Florentine Valley yesterday.  Scuffles broke out as about 200 protesters confronted a line of police blocking access to a contested logging road.  Police arrested 15 people during yesterday’s Community Walk-In For the Florentine march.

…Most of the old-growth forest to be cut in the area will become woodchips.

The two-year-old protest camp was destroyed on Tuesday although four protesters continued a vigil on two treetop platforms. They could be heard shouting their defiance throughout yesterday’s protest.

“It makes a mockery of the clever and kind Bartlett rhetoric when carbon-rich old-growth forests in an intact valley of World Heritage value are being opened up with a brand new logging road for clearfelling.” ~ Wilderness Society spokesman Vica Bayley.

Late yesterday, Derwent district forest manager Steve Whiteley said contractors had resumed work.  “Our staff and contractors are cleaning up the site of Camp Florentine and undertaking road repair and construction,” he said.  “We have had plans in place for several years to harvest a 50ha coupe and to build four kilometres of road.’

[Source: Arrests at Camp Flozza’,  by David Killick, 20090114, ^]



‘Eyes that see much, and have so much seen’

Taking a last stand to save Tasmania’s ancient forests
January 2009 police raid Camp Flozza, the front line defence of the Upper Florentine Forests


“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes

… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward,

and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius,

because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

~ Steve Jobs  (1995-2011)



O Brave.. ‘New Tasmania?’

Upper Florentine under current industrial attack from Forestry Tasmania
(Photo at Camp Flozza by editor 20110928, free in public domain – click to enlarge, then click to enlarge again)


…those who come raiding at dawn.
(Photo at Camp Flozza by editor 20110928, free in public domain – click to enlarge, then click to enlarge again)



‘The struggle for the soul of the island has raged for 200 years.

And it rages still, and still governments divide us against ourselves.

Resistance now is the staunch child of resistance past.

And it bodes for the future.’

~ Pete Hay

(Photo at Camp Flozza by editor 20110928, free in public domain – click to enlarge, then click to enlarge again)


‘What must I do to protect you – he yells the trees…’

~ Barney Roberts

(Photo at Camp Flozza by editor 20110928, free in public domain – click to enlarge, then click to enlarge again)


(Photo at Camp Flozza January 2009 by Sam Rosewarne, The Mercury newspaper)


‘Documentary photography offers the future a view of the past.

It bears witness in an age when publications turn toward entertainment, celebrity and spin.

This is the history of Tasmania.

It should be documented.’

Foresty Tasmania ~ they came with 60 police,
they bulldozed their road through pristine old growth forest
(Photo at Camp Flozza by editor 20110928, free in public domain – click to enlarge, then click to enlarge again)


Forestry Spite
(Photo at Camp Flozza by editor 20110928, free in public domain – click to enlarge, then click to enlarge again)




[Quotes from Matt Newton & Pete Hay’s 2007 important photographic book , ‘The Forests’, ^]




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