Archive for October 9th, 2011

Forestry Tasmania – Selling Out Tasmania

Sunday, October 9th, 2011
Forestry Tasmania – holocaust in Tasmania’s legendary Styx Valley
(Photo by editor, 20110928)


Selling Out Tasmania

First they came for the ancient Huon Pine and they exploited it —
The people accepted it because there seemed so much of it.
Then they came for the ancient Celery Top Pine, and they exploited it —
The people accepted it because there seemed so much of it.
Then they came for the ancient Eucalyptus regnans, and they exploited it —
The people accepted it because there seemed so much of it.

Then they came for the rest of Tasmania’s ancient forests —

until the ruling generation accepted it.. because they had never seen an ancient forest.


Previously, they had shot, poisoned and trapped Tasmania’s Thylacene —
because they imagined it killed their livestock —
The people accepted it because there seemed so many of them.
But they were all wrong,
as exploiters of the wild have inherently always been wrong.

Then the Thylacene was suddenly gone forever.


Since the timber getting has gone commercial, mechanical, industrial,
Tasmania’s once proud timbercraft tradition is vanishing with the forest.

When Tasmanians sell out to foreign dictators,
we betray Tasmania
When Australians become beholden to foreign dictators,
we betray our forefathers.

We are selling out Tasmania.


Forestry Tasmania – ‘growing whose future’?
(Photo by editor, 20110928)



if the shoe fits…


[with apologies and respect to Martin Niemöller, who’s famous quotation about the Nazi Holocaust is apt in the current context of  Forestry Tasmania’s extermination of Tasmania’s ancient forests.]
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