Archive for October, 2011

‘Satellite Pristine’ – from satellite, Earth’s pristine

Friday, October 28th, 2011

From its satellite image, Tasmania is a green ‘apple’ isle
(except the  bright ‘apple’ colour dominating Tasmania’s east is grass, long clear-felled forest for farming.
Any wonder why Eastern Tasmania lives in a rain-shadow getting just 600 mm of rainfall a year.)




Any State that uses 1080 is backward and internationally sends a message of being so.

It’s tourism marketing should have its brand tarnished so.  Tasmania’s ecological image deserves to be as bad as New Zealand’s.  NZ’s Department of Conservation drops 1080 indiscriminately out of helicopters in spades.

‘Pure’ New Zealand has a reputation for aerial poison of its native forests using ‘1080 poison’


The natural forest vista harbours a sterile faunal ecosystem.  Tourism doesn’t care. It’s promotional photos still convey its target ‘pristine’ image, irrespective of the faunal carnage below the tree canopy.

Satellite Pristine’ – a ecologically contestable concept, eh?

I am sure that Guantanamo adopted a military ‘spit -and-polish’ image from the front gates too.’


The entrance to Camp Justice, the site of the U.S. war crimes tribunal compound,
at Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base in Cuba (Reuters)


by Tigerquoll
Suggan Buggan
Victoria 3885


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