Archive for November, 2011

Blind-eyed cataclysm of ‘Catamaran’ forests

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

‘Don’t clear-fell History… let’s have another vision’  


… but try telling Forestry Tasmania’s out-of-control logging thugs:

State Slaughter

Tasmania’s precious ancient Southern Forests at Catamaran, today 23rd November 2011
Out of Control State Logger ‘Forestry Tasmania‘ defies the 7th August 2011 moratorium on logging Informal Reserves.
Logging Coupe CM004C (above photo) is a breach of the 2011 Tasmanian Forestry Agreement, Clause 25
[Photo courtesy of Huon Valley Environment Centre ^]
(click above photo image to enlarge, then click again to enlarge again)


Forestry Tasmania’s supposed ‘Sustainability Charter’:

‘The sustainability charter is a forest management plan that reflects FT’s role as stewards of the forest.
The document guides FT’s decision making over the next ten years,
and outlines how our commitment to sustainable forest management
and protection of the environment will be balanced with responsible economic and social outcomes.’
[Source: ^ Charter]


Ed:     What Crap!


The fading farce of forestry’s promise


‘Catamaran Forests’ location in southern Tasmania, near Hobart


Old map showing relative position of  Catamaran Forests (left) of Recherche Bay


Forestry Tasmania’s map of Coupe CM004C (black area), situated east of Moss Glen
[Source: ^,  [Read PDF map]


Forestry Tasmania is scheduling provocative new logging in areas that will impact the habitat of vulnerable species like the Tasmanian giant freshwater lobster, Tasmanian devil, Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle and the spotted-tailed quoll.

And do they have a care factor beyond their pay packet?

Gotcha Forestry Tasmania!

State Logger ‘Forestry Tasmania’ photographed today logging native forests at Catamaran inside the IGA’s excluded 430, 000ha Informal Reserves.
 (Wednesday 23rd November 2011)
 Catarmaran forests are IGA Informal Reserves as designated by the Independent Verification Process.
(click above photo image to enlarge, then click again to enlarge again)



Above is forestry reality, while the following is forestry greenwash…




Forestry Tasmania:   ‘Vision’

‘Tasmania’s state forests will be a globally trusted source of sustainable timber and other forest products and services for this and future generations.’


Forestry Tasmania:  ‘Mission’

‘Forestry Tasmania manages state forests for optimum community benefit, using environmental best practice to create long term wealth and employment for Tasmanians.’


Forestry Tasmania: ‘Corporate Objectives’

  • To embrace science to achieve best practice environmental stewardship and maintain Australian Forestry Standard certification.
  • To create long term business and employment opportunities for the community by managing the forests for multiple use and encouraging down stream processing.
  • To achieve positive financial returns through sound, ethical business practice.
  • To build community trust through honest dialogue.


FT Values:

  • We care for people and their environment
  • We get things done.
  • We do what we say we will do.
  • We are proud of who we are and what we do
  • We think before we act.


Forestry Tasmania has the statutory responsibility for the management of 1.5 million hectares of State forest land. This land contains 39% of the Tasmania’s forests.

About half the forest managed by Forestry Tasmania are available (to us) for ‘sustainable’ timber production (aka clearfell logging, incineration then conversion to plantations – i.e no ecological future).


[Source:   ^ ]



And the forestry reality…‘Forestry Tasmania posts $12 million loss’

[Source:  by Patrick Caruana, AAP, 20110829, ^] .

‘Forestry Tasmania has posted a $12 million loss, which it says is due to mill closures and the recent inter-governmental agreement on the sector.  The state-owned company lost $12.09 million for the 2010-11 financial year, a marginal improvement on the previous year’s loss of $12.26 million.  It will not pay a dividend to the Government.

Managing Director Bob Gordon said the closure of timber company Gunns’ mills around the state had hurt the company’s bottom line.

“Effectively, Gunns shut Triabunna, Burnie and the two Bell Bay chip mills at the same time in February-March,” Mr Gordon told reporters in Hobart today.

“In normal circumstances, that would’ve accounted for about two million tonnes a year of our sales, and they disappeared with about two weeks’ notice.”

Mr Gordon said Gunns was Forestry Tasmania’s single biggest debtor.

“We believe that Gunns owes us a bit over $25 million,” he said.

“Of that, about half to two thirds is in dispute. And by dispute, I mean Gunns aren’t paying us. But we believe that we’re on very solid legal, contractual grounds.”

Mr Gordon said the recent intergovernmental forestry agreement, which protects 430,000 hectares of high conservation value forests, was responsible for a substantial writedown in the company’s assets.

“The effect of the proposed extra reservations in the intergovernmental agreement led to writedown of about $100 million in the company’s forestry assets,” he said.

Mr Gordon said the company would now focus its efforts on new rotary veneer technologies, rather than sawlogs and woodchips.

He said Forestry Tasmania would look to open mills around the state capable of creating rotary veneer products in coming years.’



Bob Gordon’s last statement above…

“Forestry Tasmania would look to open mills around the state capable of creating rotary veneer products in coming years.”



So if rotary veneer products are Forestry Tasmania’s new timber product strategy using only ‘Tasmanian Regrowth Timbers’, what the hell is FT doing today sending in its logging thugs to eco-rape Tasmanian old growth at Catamaran?

Is there a corporate dysfunctional addiction to ‘old-growth’?   Is Old Growth Hate so systemic in FT as to be psychotic and so out of control?

Where is logger patsy Lala?



In Bob Gordons’ 2008 press release:


‘Forestry Growth Plan’

.‘In 2007, the local community celebrated with Malaysian-based company Ta Ann, as its first Tasmanian rotary veneer mill was opened.

 When Premier Paul Lennon officially opened Ta Ann Tasmania’s Huon rotary veneer mill in May 2007, it marked the culmination of many years of planning and persistance by FT to attract private sector investment to our State’s wood processsing industry.

FT’s plan in developing the Wood Centre was to provide the foundation for companies such as Ta Ann to invest with confidence in Tasmania. We have now seen the reward of this foresight, with a major project brought to fruition and 60 new jobs created for the people of the Huon Valley.

Projects such as this, which develop innovative, high-quality products from regrowth timbers, will lead the way as the industry gradually makes the transition out of old growth timber.

This growth in jobs is not only good news for the Huon region, it is good news for Tasmania as a whole. Economist Dr Bruce Felmingham has estimated that the State’s economy will grow by some $32 million as a result of this increased employment.

The rotary veneer mill also delivered on Forestry Tasmania’s long-term plan to find new ways of adding value to Tasmanian regrowth timber.

This mill will produce high-quality veneer from regrowth logs that would otherwise be classified as pulpwood. This value-added product will ensure that Tasmania receives the maximum return from its timber.

Already, Ta Ann is receiving a very favourable response to Tasmanian eucalypt veneer through market trials with its Japanese customers. The product is highly regarded in this market for its strength and durability.

In fact, Ta Ann is unable to meet the market demand for this product from the Huon mill alone. We were pleased to see the official start of work in May 2007 on the company’s second veneer mill at the Circular Head Wood Centre.

Tasmania’s ability to supply sustainable wood products has provided Ta Ann with a competitive advantage in its overseas markets.

Ta Ann services major customers, who demand that the timber they purchase is verified as being harvested from sustainable sources.   

Tasmania’s reserve system, which surpasses international benchmarks, and Forestry Tasmania’s certification under the Australian Forestry Standard provide this verification.  

Forestry Tasmania will continue to develop the Wood Centre to its full potential as an integrated timber processing facility. The Wood Centre will ensure that every piece of timber brought to the site is used to its most valuable end. It will also continue to support the Huon community with investment and employment opportunities.’

Bob Gordon

[Source:  Forestry Tasmania website ^, accessed 20111123]


Ed:   And so today Bob’s logging thugs have been caught on camera logging Catamaran old growth.







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