Archive for December, 2011

Eco-Christmas spirit – goodwill to Nature

Sunday, December 25th, 2011
Humpback Whale in a magnificent breach
(click photo to enlarge)


Christmas is a time for goodwill and hope.


“There is joy in the companionship of others working to make a difference for future generations,” declares activist David Suzuki,  “and there is hope.  Each of us has the ability to act powerfully for change; together we can regain that ancient and sustaining harmony, in which human needs and the needs of all our (plant and animal) companions on the planet are held in balance with the sacred, self-renewing processes of Earth.”


We at The Habitat Advocate convey our goodwill and hope to those out there right now defending Nature.

We convey our goodwill and hope to the environmental activists in Tasmania’s wild defending threatened forests.

Activists of Still Wild Still Threatened  (SWST)
Camp Flozza, Upper Florentine Valley
Tasmania’s Southern Forests


SWST advocates for the immediate formal protection of Tasmania’s precious Southern Forests using a combination of political and corporate lobbying, community education, research, exploration and frontline direct action. We also promote the creation of an equitable and environmentally sustainable forest industry in Tasmania. Protecting Tasmania’s ancient forests: a real climate change solution.


We at The Habitat Advocate convey our goodwill and hope to the environmental activists in the Southern Ocean defending threatened whales.


Captain Paul Watson and the crew of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS)
currently braving the freezing Southern Ocean south of Australia to defend whales from poachers.


Sea Shepherd’s mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world’s oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species.


The meaning of Christmas has ancient Pagan origins pre-dating Christianity, coinciding with the Winter Solstice of the northern hemisphere celebrating the return of life at the beginning of winter’s decline.    [Source:  ^]

Consistent with the original goodwill meaning of Christmas, we advocate the inclusion of Nature in this goodwill spirit:

  • That each us strives to do something every day for wildness.
  • That each us tries to practice simplicity and frugality. Conserve, reuse, and recycle to reduce pressures for resource extraction on remaining wildlands. Buy less. Play more.
  • That each us supports conservation organizations that champion wildness, especially those acquiring acreage for wildlands preservation.
[Source: ^]


Eco-Christmas spirit


As environmental activist David Suzuki advocates, “each of us has the ability to act powerfully for change”.  So we like the initiative of Melbourne-based company ‘Eco Christmas Trees‘. Eco Christmas Trees rents out ‘living growing trees providing the real Christmas experience without cutting down a tree‘.

Check out their website:  ^

The real Christmas experience without cutting down a tree.


“What’s the use of a fine house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?”


~ Henry David Thoreau, environmental activist, (1817 – 1862)]


Merry Yule!


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