Archive for April 5th, 2012

Tasmanian Reality Tourism

Thursday, April 5th, 2012
Some wee satire from Tigerquoll, fed up with Tasmania’s dark reality…  [This was initially posted as a comment by Tigerquoll  on Tasmanian Times 20120311 to an article entitled ‘Duck rescuers set to join the frontline’, ^


Queenstown Moonscape Tours – once was temperate rainforest

A wee ‘tea and scones’ tourism boom could be encouraged in Tasmania, treating visitors to Tasmanian reality art exhibitions – with themes such as:

‘Convict Tourism’ – Cannibal Alexander Pearce at it, days in the life at Maria Island, Cascades, Port Arthur, Martin Bryant’s gun collection, Risdon’s worst.


‘Ecoterrorism Tourism’ – See Forestry Tasmania at it in the Florentine Valley, See Stihl at work felling old growth, take Clearfell Tours, watch the wildlife scurry, see a ‘Scorched Earthing‘ photographic exhibition.

Watch loggers Rodney Howells, Jeremy Eizell and Terrence Pearce ecoterrorism videos:  Sample video below on 21st October 2008, shows these Tasmanian loggers attacking two young forest defenders in a car, using sledge hammers.  [^Read More]


(Turn sound up)


‘Grenade Fishing’ – see it demonstrated on Tasmania’s Penstock Lagoon, now that petrol outboards are banned.

‘Wildlife Bagging’  – see the live action on Tasmania’s Moulting Lagoon – Black Swans and Pied Oystercatchers – shot plucked and gutted. Fun for all the family!


[Source:  ^]


[Source: ^]


‘Mutton birding’ Tourism – Visit Flinders Island. Watch them rip the native Short-tailed Shearwater chicks out from their burrows and throttle their necks – give it a go yourself – it’s easy!

[Source:  Gourmet Farmer 6th October, Flinders Island, Series 2, Episode 7, SBS Television]

“Hi Everyone,  Just a quick reminder that mutton bird season is open from the 2nd April 2011 until 17th April 2011 on Flinders Island…

Just remember if you don’t have a mutton birding licence then please visit your nearest Service Tasmania Shop or their website to obtain one. A mutton birding licence will set you back $27.20 for a full fee or $21.75 of a concession fee.”

[Source:   Flinders Island Car Rentals, ^]


Or try Flinders Island Wallaby…”Bennetts Wallaby and Pademelon Wallaby are found in large numbers on the Island. The gathering of wallabies are restricted on a quota basis that is reviewed annually and is independent of market demand.”  [Source:  ^]
Bennetts Wallaby
Native to Tasmania and surrounding islands such as Flinders Island
[Source:  ^]

Native animals are considered pests by the Tasmanian rural community and their control a wasteful cost.   Lenah Game Meats of Tasmania..”is attempting to turn this situation around so that with time and market development it is hoped the rural community will come to see the animals adapted to the Australian landscape as ‘friends’ rather than foe….Lenah were the first people to harvest and process wallaby and market it to the restaurant trade.”   [^Read More]


‘1080’ Poison Tours – how it works, watch it in action, proof exhibits, discount taxidermy home delivered

This photo is taken from the main road down to Cockle Creek, at the start of
the South Coast Walking Track.
[Source; ^]


‘Queenstown Memories’ – Mount Lyell moonscape tours, Queen River cruises, spot the three eyed fish games, sample Macquarie Harbour cuisine

See the copper flows in the once pristine Queen and King Rivers
If the copper doesn’t kill you, then the cadmium, lead, cobalt, silver or chromium will.


‘Self-drive Tourism’ – play ‘I spy with my little eye’, or ‘count the roadkill’, or dodge the log trucks


Photo taken by Editor while driving along the Tasman Highway, Tasmania 20110927, free in public domain


Cape Grim Heritage Tourism – discover its namesake (massacre of Tasmanian Aborigines on 10th February 1828) – learn about early colonial hunting.  [^Read More]

‘Burn offs by Air’ – see the smoke by air

‘Tassie Holes’ – see the mines by air

‘Scarefaces by Air’ – see the native forest clearfells by air


All such Tasmanian Reality Tourism can be delivered direct from the window, and what better than with home made piping hot Tassie tea and scones!





“The Styx State Forest will continue to be sustainably managed, providing the public with Australia’s finest timbers, protection for Tasmania’s unique biodiversity, and a popular recreation resource.   Tours of the surrounding forests are available from the Maydena Adventure Hub.”

~ Forestry Tasmania


Wilfred Batty of Mawbanna, Tasmania, with the last Tasmanian Tiger known to have been shot in the wild.
He shot the tiger in May, 1930 after it was discovered in his hen house.
Source: State Library of Tasmania eHeritage


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