Rural Fire Service strategy misguided

This article was initially written by this editor and published in the Blue Mountains Gazette newspaper on 20051005 as a letter to the editor, entitled ‘RFS strategy misguided‘.
19th Century heritage-listed ‘Six Foot Track’
..bulldozed by the Rural Fire Service in July 2005, widened into a convenient Fire Trail for its fire truck crews.

It has been revealed that the June bulldozing or grading of the Six Foot Track near Megalong Creek (Blue Mountains, New South Wales) was a mere drop in the Rural Fire Service (RFS) Bushfire Mitigation Programme.

Across the Blue Mountains, some twenty natural reserves including the Six Foot Track were targeted under the RFS 2004-05 Fire Trail Strategy:

  • Edith Falls
  • McMahons Point
  • Back Creek
  • Cripple Creek
  • Plus some 95 hectares inside the Blue Mountains National Park.


Read: [>RFS Fire Trail Policy]

Read: [>RFS Fire Trail Classification Guidelines]


According to the Australian Government’s (then) Department of Transport and Regional Services (DOTARS) website, some $151,195 was granted to the RFS in the Blue Mountains alone, for it to bulldoze and burn 144 hectares of native bushland under the euphemism of “addressing bushfire mitigation risk priorities”  (Ed: Read ‘bush arson

The Six Foot Track Conservation and Management Plan 1997, Vol II’ lists numerous vulnerable species of fauna recorded near Megalong Creek – the Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Clyptorhynchus lathami), Giant Burrowing Frog (Heleioporus australiacus), Spotted-tailed Quoll (Dasyurus maculatus).

Glossy Black-Cockatoo
[Source: Dubbo Field Naturalist & Conservation Society]


Giant Burrowing Frog
[Source:, ^]


Spotted-tailed Quoll
(Dasyurus maculatus)
Blue Mountains top order predator, competing with the Dingo


The RFS contractors wouldn’t have had a clue if they were within 100 metres or 1 metre of rare, vulnerable or threatened species.

The RFS is not exempt from destroying important ecological habitat; rather it is required to have regard to the principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD).

Read: >RFS Policy 2-03 Ecologically Sustainable Development


The ‘Rationale‘ of this RFS ESD policy states at Clause 1.2:

‘The Bush Fire Coordinating Committee, under the Rural Fires Act 1997 Sec 3 (d), is required to have regard to ESD as outlined in the Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991, which sets out the following principles:

a)   The precautionary principle namely, that if there are threats of serious or irreversible environmental damage, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing measures to prevent environmental degradation. In the application of the precautionary principle, public and private decisions should be guided by:

i.   careful evaluation to avoid, wherever practicable, serious or irreversible damage to the environment, and
ii.   an assessment of the risk-weighted consequences of various options.


b)   Inter-generational equity namely, that the present generation should ensure that the health, diversity and productivity of the environment are maintained or enhanced for the benefit of future generations



c)   Conservation of biological diversity and ecological integrity should be a fundamental consideration in all decisions.


d)   Recognising the economic values that the natural environment provides. The natural environment has values that are often hard to quantify but provide a benefit to the entire community. By recognising that the natural environment does have significant economic and social values we can improve decision making for the present and future generations.’



Yet the RFS policy on hazard reduction is woefully loose in the ‘Bushfire Co-ordinating Committee Policy 2 /03 on ESD‘ – which (on paper) advocates protecting environmental values and ensuring that ESD commitments are adopted and adhered to by contractors.

Experience now confirms this policy is nothing more than ‘greenwashing’.  The RFS wouldn’t know what environmental values were if they drove their fire truck into a Blkue Mountains upland swamp.  There is not one ecologist among them.

While the critical value of dedicated RFS volunteer fire-fighters fighting fires is without question, what deserves questioning is the unsustainable response of the RFS ‘old guard to fire trails and hazard reduction with token regard for sensitive habitat.  Repeated bushfire research confirms that bushfires are mostly now caused by:

  1. Bush arson (hazard reduction included, escaped or otherwise)
  2. More residential communities encroaching upon bushland.


Under the ‘Blue Mountains Bushfire Management Committee Bushfire Risk Management Plan’ (Ed: their bureaucratic name), key objectives are patently ignored:

  • ‘Ensure that public and private land owners and occupiers understand their bushfire management responsibilities’
  • ‘Ensure that the community is well informed about bushfire protection measures and prepared for bushfire events through Community Fireguard programs’
  • ‘Manage bushfires for the protection and conservation of the natural, cultural, scenic and recreational features , including tourism values, of the area’.


Instead, the Rural Fire Service is content to look busy by burning and bulldozing native bushland.  The RFS actively demonises native vegetation as a ‘fuel hazard‘, in the much the same way that ignorant colonists of the 18th and 19th centuries demonised Australia’s unique wildlife as ‘vermin‘ and ‘game‘.


Further Reading:


[1]   Previous article on The Habitat Advocate:  ‘RFS Bulldozes Six Foot Track‘  (published 20101220):  [>Read Article]


[2]  Tip of the Bush-Arson Iceberg

What these government funded and State-sanctioned bush-arsonists get up to, deliberately setting fire to wildlife habitat, is an ecological disgrace.

The following list is from just 2005 of the vast areas of native vegetation deliberately burnt across New South Wales in just this one year.  [Source: DOTARS].

Not surprisingly, this State-sanctioned bush-arson information is no longer published by government each year for obvious clandestine reasons, as the bush-arson continues out of the public eye.

The hazard reduction cult is similarly perpetuated across other Australian states – Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, West Australia as well as Northern Territory and the ACT.   No wonder Australia’s record of wildlife extinctions tragically leads the world!  There is little precious rich wildlife habitat left.


National Park and Wildlife Service  (NSW) Bush Arson:

(Note: ‘NR’ = Nature Reserve, ‘NP’ = National Park, ‘SCA’ = State Conservation Area… as if these bastards care)

Reserve / Activity Name Treatment Area (km2)
Baalingen NR 5
Baalingen NR 6
Bald Rock NP 7
Banyabba NR 0.5
Barakee NP 6
Barool NP 20
Barool NP 6
Barool NP 5
Barool NP 4
Barool NP 2
Barool NP 5
Barrington Tops NP 2.5
Barrington Tops NP 2
Barrington Tops NP 6
Barrington Tops NP 18
Barrington Tops NP 6
Barrington Tops NP 16
Barrington Tops NP 11
Barrington Tops NP 1
Barrington Tops NP 4
Barrington Tops NP 2
Barrington Tops NP 1
Barrington Tops NP 3
Basket Swamp NP 1
Basket Swamp NP 12
Basket Swamp NP 2
Basket Swamp NP 4
Bellinger River NP 1
Ben Boyd NP 0.8
Ben Boyd NP 3
Ben Boyd NP 0.9
Ben Boyd NP 0.9
Ben Boyd NP 5
Ben Boyd NP 13
Ben Boyd NP 5
Ben Boyd NP 0.4
Ben Boyd NP 1
Ben Boyd NP 2
Ben Boyd NP 3
Ben Boyd NP 5
Ben Boyd NP 3.6
Ben Boyd NP 1.9
Ben Boyd NP 1.6
Ben Halls Gap NP 3
Bindarri NP 2
Black Bulga SCA 8
Black Bulga SCA 12
Black Bulga SCA 21
Blue Mountains NP 42
Blue Mountains NP 8.3
Blue Mountains NP 23
Blue Mountains NP 10
Blue Mountains NP 12
Bogendyra NR
Bolivia NR 1
Bondi Gulf NR 8
Bondi Gulf NR 6
Bondi Gulf NR 10
Boonoo Boonoo NP 9
Boonoo Boonoo NP 10
Booti Booti NP 0.5
Booti Booti NP 0.3
Booti Booti NP 3
Booti Booti NP 0.3
Booti Booti NP 3
Border Range NP 6
Border Ranges NP 4
Border Ranges NP 3
Border Ranges NP 4
Border Ranges NP 2.8
Bouddi NP 0.5
Bouddi NP 0.3
Bouddi NP 0.9
Bouddi NP 0.9
Bouddi NP 0.5
Bouddi NP 1.1
Bouddi NP 0.5
Bouddi NP 1.9
Bouddi NP 1.1
Bouddi NP 0.6
Bouddi NP 2.3
Bournda NR 10
Bournda NR 5
Bournda NR 0.5
Bournda NR 0.5
Bournda NR 0.5
Brindabella NP 20
Brisbane Water NP 4.4
Brisbane Water NP 2.4
Brisbane Water NP 3.7
Brisbane Water NP 3.6
Brisbane Water NP 0.3
Brisbane Water NP 3.1
Brisbane Water NP 0.6
Budawang NP 4.8
Budderoo NP 10
Bugong NP 3.1
Bundgalung NP 2
Bundundah Reserve 1.94
Bundundah Reserve/Morton NP 4.7
Bungawalbyn NP 2
Bungawalbyn NP 2.25
Bungawalbyn NP 4
Bungawalbyn NP 5
Bungawalbyn NP 3
Bungawalbyn NP 4.5
Bungawalbyn NP 6.5
Bungawalbyn NP 5
Bungawalbyn NP 1.65
Bungawalbyn NP 1.5
Burnt Down Scrub NR 2
Burnt School NR 2
Burrinjuck NR 8
Burrinjuck NR 15
Burrinjuck NR 3
Butterleaf NP
Butterleaf NP 3
Butterleaf NP 3.2
Butterleaf NP 1.2
Butterleaf NP 1.6
Butterleaf NP 1.2
Butterleaf NP 2
Butterleaf NP 1.8
Butterleaf NP 1.4
Butterleaf NP 0.5
Butterleaf NP 2.3
Butterleaf NP 3.3
Butterleaf NP 3.9
Butterleaf NP 5.3
Butterleaf NP 0.4
Butterleaf NP 0.5
Butterleaf NP 1.5
Butterleaf NP 2.9
Butterleaf NP 5.3
Butterleaf NP 4
Butterleaf NP 3.3
Butterleaf NP 3.6
Butterleaf NP 1.5
Butterleaf NP 8.8
Butterleaf NP 0.5
Capoompeta NP 10
Cataract NP
Cataract NP 1.5
Cataract NP 2
Cataract NP 2
Cataract NP 1.5
Cataract NP 2
Cataract NP 1
Clayton Chase 5
Clayton Chase 10
Clayton Chase 3.5
Clayton Chase 4
Clayton Chase 3
Clayton Chase 3
Clayton Chase  4
Conjola NP 5.7
Conjola NP 1.8
Conjola NP 8.3
Conjola NP 4.8
Conjola NP 2.9
Conjola NP 4.5
Conjola NP 6.5
Coolah Tops NR 28
Coolah Tops NR 1
Coolah Tops NR 6
Copeland Tops SCA 3
Copeland Tops SCA 3.5
Corramy SCA 0.7
Cottan-bimbang NP 6
Cottan-bimbang NP 16
Cottan-bimbang NP 15
Culgoa NP 30
Curramore NP
Curramore NP 8
Curramore NP 8.9
Curramore NP 11
Curramore NP 5.5
Dapper NR 10
Deua NP 15.2
Deua NP 1.4
Deua NP 1
Deua NP 4
Deua NP 21.5
Deua NP 2.1
Deua NP 1.4
Deua NP 3.3
Deua NP 8.5
Deua NP 20.8
Deua NP 5.3
Deua NP 6.6
Deua NP 28.2
Deua NP 5.65
Eurobodalla NP 0.8
Eurobodalla NP 2.5
Eurobodalla NP 0.8
Eurobodalla NP 2.4
Eurobodalla NP 2
Flaggy creek  NR 3
Flaggy creek  NR 1.8
Garawarra SCA
Garby NR 2
Gardens of Stone NP 18
Gibraltar NP 14
Goobang NP 5
Goobang NP 25
Ironbark NR 13.5
Jerrawangala NP 6.83
Jervis Bay NP 2.37
Jervis Bay NP 5.42
Jervis Bay NP 0.56
Jervis Bay NP 0.82
Jervis Bay NP 1.45
Jervis Bay NP 1.72
Jervis Bay NP 0.21
Jervis Bay NP 0.32
Jervis Bay NP 0.7
Jervis Bay NP 0.4
Jervis Bay NP 0.35
Jervis Bay NP 0.35
Jervis Bay NP 0.48
Jervis Bay NP 1.03
Jervis Bay NP 0.65
Jervis Bay NP 1.91
Jervis Bay NP 0.34
Jervis Bay NP 0.95
Jervis Bay NP 1.46
Jervis Bay NP 0.71
Jervis Bay NP 1.07
Jingellic NR 20
Karuah NR 10
Karuah NR 28
Karuah NR 10
Karuah NR 12
Karuah NR 1
Kings Plains NP 7
Kings Plains NP 0
Kings Plains NP 4
Koreelah NP 6
Kosciuszko NP 30
Kosciuszko NP 9.5
Kosciuszko NP 22
Kosciuszko NP 22
Kosciuszko NP 33
Kosciuszko NP 33
Kosciuszko NP 33
Kosciuszko NP 12
Kosciuszko NP 12
Kosciuszko NP 17
Kosciuszko NP 5
Kosciuszko NP 28
Kosciuszko NP 9
Kosciuszko NP 6
Kosciuszko NP 6
Kosciuszko NP 26
Kosciuszko NP 8.9
Kosciuszko NP 15
Kosciuszko NP 15
Kosciuszko NP 2.5
Kosciuszko NP 8.9
Kosciuszko NP 10
Kosciuszko NP 11
Kosciuszko NP 4.8
Kosciuszko NP 18
Kosciuszko NP 19
Kosciuszko NP 7.2
Kosciuszko NP 7.2
Kosciuszko NP 13
Kosciuszko NP 18
Kosciuszko NP 33
Kosciuszko NP 33
Kosciuszko NP 18
Kosciuszko NP 18
Kosciuszko NP 15
Kosciuszko NP 12
Kwiambal NP 7
Kwiambal NP 3
Kwiambal NP 2
Kwiambal NP 2.25
Lake Macquarie SCA 0.3
Lake Macquarie SCA 0.4
Lake Macquarie SCA 0.4
Lake Macquarie SCA 0.4
Ledknapper NR 15
Linton NR 12.5
Meroo NP 2.4
Meroo NP 0.9
Meroo NP 0.6
Meroo NP 3.3
Meroo NP 3.9
Meroo NP 3.5
Meroo NP 0.5
Morton NP 5.9
Morton NP 8.3
Morton NP 3.8
Morton NP 6
Morton NP 13
Morton NP 0.4
Morton NP 4.5
Morton NP 5
Morton NP 2.7
Morton NP 0.7
Morton NP 2.1
Morton NP 1
Morton NP 6
Mt Canobolas SCA 1
Mt Clunnie NP 6.5
Mt Dowling NR 2
Mummell Gulf NP 3
Mummell Gulf NP 7
Mummell Gulf NP 5
Munmorah SRA 0.7
Munmorah SRA 0.8
Munmorah SRA 0.45
Munmorah SRA 1
Munmorah SRA 2
Munmorah SRA 0.9
Munmorah SRA 1.6
Muogamarra NR 1
Murramarang NP 0.9
Murramarang NP 8
Murramarang NP 1
Murramarang NP 5.1
Murramarang NP 8.2
Murramarang NP 3.1
Murramarang NP 6.8
Murramarang NP 16
Murramarang NP 4.3
Murramarang NP 4
Myall Lakes NP 5
Myall Lakes NP 5
Myall Lakes NP 1.5
Myall Lakes NP 2
Myall Lakes NP 1
Myall Lakes NP 5
Nombinnie NR 10
Nymboida NP 6
Nymboida NP 12
Nymboida NP 3
Nymboida NP 4
Nymboida NP 1
Nymboida NP 4
Nymboida NP 4
Nymboida NP 3.2
Nymboida NP 4.5
Nymboida NP 2
Nymboida NP 4
Nymboida NP 2.8
Nymboida NP 4.2
Nymboida NP 4.2
Nymboida NP 4.2
Nymboida NP 4.2
Nymboida NP 4.2
Nymboida NP 4.2
Nymboida NP 4.2
Nymboida NP 4.2
Nymboida NP 7
Nymboida NP 6
Oxley Wild Rivers NP 10.7
Oxley Wild Rivers NP 19.1
Oxley Wild Rivers NP 13.4
Oxley Wild Rivers NP 18
Oxley Wild Rivers NP 18
Oxley Wild Rivers NP 15
Oxley Wild Rivers NP 33
Oxley Wild Rivers NP 33
Oxley Wild Rivers NP 5
Oxley Wild Rivers NP 5
Oxley Wild Rivers NP 4
Oxley Wild Rivers NP 3
Oxley Wild Rivers NP 7
Parma Creek NR 0.21
Parma Creek NR 0.07
Parma Creek NR 0.3
Parma Creek NR 0.01
Parma Creek NR 0.29
Parma Creek NR 5
Paroo Darling NP 60
Policemans Cap 10
Razorback NR 17
Richmond Range NP 3.9
Richmond Range NP 6.5
Richmond Range NP 3.8
Richmond Range NP 4.5
Richmond Range NP 5.5
Richmond Range NP 9
Royal NP 1
Seven Mile Beach NP 1.09
Seven Mile Beach NP 1.79
Seven Mile Beach NP 2.24
Seven Mile Beach NP 0.74
Seven Mile Beach NP 2.03
Severn River NR 6
Single NP 21
South East Forest NP 5
South East Forest NP 1.2
South East Forest NP 1.2
South East Forest NP 2.6
South East Forest NP 3
South East Forest NP 10.9
South East Forest NP 1.3
South East Forest NP 1
South East Forest NP 1.2
South East Forest NP 2.8
South East Forest NP 2
South East Forest NP 1.2
South East Forest NP 2
South East Forest NP 5.1
South East Forest NP 3.5
South East Forest NP 0.5
South East Forest NP 6
South East Forest NP 3
South East Forest NP 1
South East Forest NP 5.5
South East Forest NP 0.8
Stoney Batter NR 6
Tapitallee NR 0.52
Tapitallee NR 0.33
Tapitallee NR 0.36
Tapitallee NR 0.32
Tarlo River NP 3.8
Tarlo River NP 2.1
Tarlo River NP 2.9
Tarlo River NP 5.9
Tarlo River NP 6.5
Tarlo River NP 2.7
Tarlo River NP 2.1
Tarlo River NP 6
Tollingo NR 150
Tomaree NP 1.8
Tooloom NP 3
Toonumbar NP 31.9
Toonumbar NP 8.5
Toonumbar NP 17
Toonumbar NP 21.5
Triplarina NR 0.71
Triplarina NR 0.32
Triplarina NR 0.66
Triplarina NR 0.75
Triplarina NR 1.34
Triplarina NR 0.31
Triplarina NR 1.24
Triplarina NR 1.35
Ungazetted (Kalyarr NP) 48
Ungazetted (Kalyarr NP) 26
Unknown 7
Wa Hou NR 10
Wa Hou NR 1
Wa Hou NR 7
Wa Hou NR 1
Wa Hou NR 11
Wa Hou NR 1
Wa Hou NR 7
Wa Hou NR 1
Wa Hou NR 1
Wa Hou NR 1
Wa Hou NR 1
Wallaroo NR 3
Wallaroo NR 1.5
Wallaroo NR 8
Wallaroo NR 5
Wallaroo NR 11
Wallaroo NR 7
Wallaroo NR 7
Wallaroo NR 16
Wallaroo NR 6
Wallingat NP 2
Wallingat NP 1.3
Wallingat NP 3.6
Wallingat NP 3.3
Washpool Np 18
Washpool NP 5.3
Washpool NP 5.6
Washpool NP 7.1
Washpool NP 6.4
Washpool NP 1.6
Washpool NP 7
Washpool NP 2.8
Watson’s Creek NR 5
Wereboldera SCA 9
Woggoon NR 144
Wollemi NP 21
Wollemi NP 12
Wollemi NP 10
Wollemi NP 30
Wollemi NP 7
Wollemi NP 11
Wollemi NP 7
Wollemi NP 16
Wollemi NP 2
Wollemi NP 8
Wollemi NP 5
Woodford Island NR 1.5
Woodford Island NR 2
Woodford Island NR 3
Woodford Island NR 3
Woollamia NR 1.51
Woollamia NR 0.77
Woollamia NR 1.95
Woollamia NR 1.88
Woollamia NR 0.74
Woomargama NP 15
Yabbra NP 8
Yabbra NP 45
Yango NP 0.45
Yanununbeyan NP 11
Yuraygir NP 4
Yuraygir NP 3.5
Yuraygir NP 1
Yuraygir NP 1
Yuraygir NP 1
Yuraygir NP 3.5
Yuraygir NP 1.5
Yuraygir NP 1.5
Yuraygir NP 1.5
Yuraygir NP 1.5
Yuraygir NP 1.5
Yuraygir NP 1.5
Yuraygir NP 1.5
Yuraygir NP 1.5
Yuraygir NP 1.5
Yuraygir NP 1.5
Yuraygir NP 28
Yuraygir NP 10
Yuraygir NP 12
Yuraygir NP 1
Yuraygir NP 1
Yuraygir NP 4
Yuraygir NP 3.5
    3,785.10 Ha

i.e.  An area 6km x 6km


NSW Local Government Areas (LGAs)

Bush Fire Management Committee / LGA Reserve / Activity Name Treatment Area (km2)
Blue Mountains Northern Strategic Line -Primary 8
Blue Mountains De Faurs Trail – Mt Wilson -Primary 2.8
Blue Mountains Mitchell’s Creek Fire Trail – Primary 3.5
Blue Mountains Nellies Glen Fire Trail 2.8
Blue Mountains Back Creek Fire Trail – Primary 3.2
Blue Mountains Mt Piddington Trail – Hornes Point N/A
Bombala Gibraltar Ridge Fire Trail (2) (PT) 20
Bombala Mt Rixs Fire Trail (PT) 6
Bombala Roaring Camp Fire Trail (PT) 12
Cooma-Monaro Brest Fire Trail (2) (PT) 15
Cooma-Monaro Calabash Fire Trail (2) (PT) 22
Cooma-Monaro Murrumbucca Fire Trail (2) (ST) 15
Cooma-Monaro Bridge Fire Trail (2) (PT) 6
Cooma-Monaro Log In Hole Fire Trail (2) (PT) 5
Gloucester Upper Avon Fire Trail 11
Greater Argyle Mountain Ash Fire Trail 10
Greater Argyle Mootwingee Fire Trail 6
Greater Hume Murphy’s Fire Trail 0.2
Greater Hume Mandaring Fire Trail 1
Greater Queanbeyan City Queanbeyan River Fire Trail 5.5
Greater Queanbeyan City Gourock Fire Trail 5.8
Hawkesbury District Jacks Trail 1.6
Hawkesbury District Duffys Trail (2) ?tenure 3
Mallee Various Fire Trails N/A
Mallee No 21 Fire Trail 20
Namoi/Gwydir Warialda State Forest 6.5
Namoi/Gwydir Zaba-Kaiwarra-Kiora Fire Trail (check) 10
Namoi/Gwydr Blue Nobby Fire Trail (check) 8
Namoi/Gwydr Araluen Fire Trail (check) 6
Snowy River Snowy Plain Fire Trail (2) (PT) 18
Snowy River Crackenback Fire Trail (PT) 10
Snowy River Devils Hole Fire Trail (PT) 18
Snowy River Golden Age Fire Trail (2) (PT) 8
Sutherland Sabugal Pass Fire Trail N/A
SW Mallee Various Fire Trails N/A
SW Mallee Oberwells Fire Trail 28
SW Mallee Mandleman Fire Trail 40
Upper Lachlan Johnsons Creek Fire Trail 15
Warringah/Pittwater Lovett Bay Trail (2) 2.5
Warringah/Pittwater Elvina Bay Trail (2) 1.5
Yass Valley Nelanglo Fire Trail 21
Yass Valley Hayshed Fire Trail 1 7
Yass Valley Hayshed Fire Trail 2 7
       391.90 km2

i.e.   An area 20km x 20km


Forests NSW (government’s industrial logger of NSW remnant forests).

(Forests NSW did not publish the area burnt, only the cost. As a rule of thumb use $3000/square km)

Bush Fire Management Committee Reserve / Activity Name NSW
Clarence Zone Dalmorton SF $30,000
Future Forests Swan $20,050
Future Forests Tindall $10,680
Future Forests Tooloom $10,425
Future Forests Mazzer $7,341
Future Forests Kungurrabah $4,435
Future Forests Morpeth Park $3,773
Future Forests Loughnan $3,155
Future Forests Inglebar $3,000
Future Forests Lattimore $2,604
Future Forests Byrne $1,755
Future Forests Ziull 4 $1,677
Future Forests Lejag $1,670
Future Forests Ziull 2 $1,600
Future Forests Bates $1,563
Future Forests Ziull 3 $1,454
Future Forests Envirocom $1,410
Future Forests Morgan $1,361
Future Forests McNamara $1,279
Future Forests Neaves $967
Future Forests Zuill $872
Future Forests Boyle $807
Future Forests Fitzpatrick $791
Future Forests Morrow $785
Future Forests Morrow $785
Future Forests Morrow $785
Future Forests Wallwork $665
Future Forests Smith $665
Future Forests Wilson $622
Future Forests Jarramarumba $600
Future Forests Hession $597
Future Forests Edwards $563
Future Forests Maunder $558
Future Forests Kuantan $515
Future Forests Billins $484
Future Forests Cox $475
Future Forests Paterson $461
Future Forests Gladys $415
Future Forests O’Keefe $371
Future Forests Woodcock $369
Future Forests Pratten $346
Future Forests Truswell $323
Future Forests Divine $323
Future Forests Hastings $323
Future Forests White $300
Future Forests Miller $300
Future Forests Koop $300
Future Forests Lacy $277
Future Forests Nosrac $277
Future Forests Tully $277
Future Forests Baker $277
Future Forests Yaganegi $277
Future Forests Siezowski $254
Future Forests Zuill $254
Future Forests Atcheson $254
Future Forests Dissevelt $254
Future Forests Hoy $254
Future Forests Woods $254
Future Forests Dawson $254
Future Forests Hagan $254
Future Forests Skelly $231
Future Forests Robards $231
Future Forests Maunder $231
Future Forests Day $231
Future Forests O’Connell $231
Future Forests Kompara $231
Future Forests Carmen $231
Future Forests Maurer $231
Future Forests Cunin $208
Future Forests GCC $208
Future Forests White $208
Future Forests Hayer $208
Future Forests Southgate $208
Future Forests Peck $208
Greater Taree Kiwarrak SF $40,000
Hastings Cowarra SF $30,000
Hastings Caincross SF $4,000
Hume Clearing fire trails $100,000
Hume New FT $6,000
Hunter Pokolbin SF $13,600
Hunter Myall River SF $12,800
Hunter Myall River SF $12,800
Hunter Heaton SF $12,400
Hunter Bulahdelah SF $6,100
Hunter Watagan SF $3,200
Hunter Awaba SF $3,200
Hunter Myall River SF $3,100
Macquarie Warrengong $16,250
Macquarie Vulcan & Gurnang $11,519
Macquarie Kinross SF $8,800
Macquarie Mount David $6,101
Macquarie Newnes SF $5,199
Macquarie Printing 25 fire atlas’ $2,048
Macquarie Black Rock Ridge $447
Mid-Nth Coast – Taree Knorrit SF $36,000
Mid-Nth Coast – Taree Yarratt SF $16,000
Mid-Nth Coast – Wauchope Boonanghi SF $37,000
Mid-Nth Coast – Wauchope Northern Break $9,000
Mid-Nth Coast – Wauchope Caincross SF $3,000
Mid-Nth Coast – Wauchope Western Break $2,000
Monaro Clearing fire trails $114,685
North East Thumb Creek SF $46,000
North East Candole SF $29,535
North East Various State Forests $20,000
North East Mt Belmore SF $12,115
North East Candole SF $8,900
North East Lower Bucca SF $5,500
North East All North Region $3,300
North East Wild Cattle SF $3,000
North East Orara East SF $1,900
Northern -Casino Barragunda $11,522
Northern -Casino Yaraldi 2003 $8,847
Northern -Casino Yaraldi 2004 $3,207
Richmond Valley Bates $20,000
Richmond Valley Whiporie SF $13,154
Richmond Valley Swanson $12,000
Richmond Valley McNamara $10,180
Richmond Valley Whiporie SF $9,582
Southern  Pollwombra FT $6,360
Southern-Eden Various – whole district $112,019
Tamworth Nundle SF $40,000
Walcha Nowendoc SF $30,000
Walcha Styx River SF $20,000

i.e.  Approximately an area 20km x 20km


NSW Department of Lands    (what native vegetation’s left).

Bush Fire Management Committee Reserve / Activity Name Treatment Area Ha / Other Treatment Area (km2)
Baulkham Hills Porters Rd / Cranstons Rd 5
Baulkham Hills Porters Rd / Cranstons Rd (2) 4
Baulkham Hills Pauls Road Trail 5
Baulkham Hills Mount View Trail 1
Baulkham Hills Idlewild 2
Baulkham Hills Maroota Tracks Trail 7
Baulkham Hills Yoothamurra Trail 1
Baulkham Hills Kellys Arm Trail 3
Baulkham Hills Dargle Ridge Trail 5
Baulkham Hills Dargle Trail 3
Baulkham Hills Days Road Trail 3
Baulkham Hills Dickinsons Trail 6
Baulkham Hills Fingerboard Trail 3
Baulkham Hills Floyds Road Trail 8
Baulkham Hills Neichs Road Trail 4
Bega Eden Strategic Fire Trail 3
Bega Illawambera Fire Trail 1
Bega Merimbula/Turu Beach Strategic Protection 2
Bega Yankees Gap  2
Bega Millingandi Special Protection (Trail) 1
Bega Wallagoot Strategic Protection (Trail) 1.2
Bega South Eden Strategic Protection (Trail) 1
Bega Merimbula/Pambula Strategic Protection (APZ) 1
Bega Pacific St Tathra 0.5
Bland Bland Villages (FTM)  2
Bland Water Tower Reserve FTM 3
Blue Mountains Cripple Creek Fire Trail Stage 2 5
Blue Mountains Cripple Creek Fire Trail Complex 5
Blue Mountains Caves Creek Trail 0.4
Blue Mountains Edith Falls Trail 2
Blue Mountains Boronia Rd – Albert Rd Trails 1
Blue Mountains Perimeter Trail – North Hazelbrook 1.5
Blue Mountains McMahons Point Trail – Kings Tableland 7
Blue Mountains Back Creek Fire Trail 3.2
Blue Mountains Mitchell’s Creek Fire Trail 3.5
Bombala Gibraltar Ridge Fire Trail 11
Bombala Burnt Hut Fire Trail 5
Bombala Merriangah East Fire Trail 12
Bombala Bombala Towns & Villages (Trails) 10
Campbelltown St Helens Park – Wedderburn Rd (Barriers) 0.3
Campbelltown Barrier / Gate
Campbelltown Riverview Rd Fire Trail 0.65
Canobolas Calula Range FTM
Canobolas Spring Glen Estate FTM
Cessnock Neath South West Fire Trail 2
Cessnock Neath South East Fire Trail 1.5
Cessnock Neath North Fire Trail (2) 1
Cessnock Gates – Asset Protection Zones
Cessnock Signs – Asset Protection Zones
Cessnock Signs – Fire Trails
Cessnock Kearsley Fire Trail 0.5
Cessnock Neath – South (Trail) 4
Cessnock Neath – North (Trail) 2
Clarence Valley Bowling Club Fire Trail 1
Clarence Valley Brooms Head Fire Trail 0.2
Clarence Valley Ilarwill Village 0.3
Cooma-Monaro Chakola Fire Trail 21
Cooma-Monaro Good Good Fire Trail 12
Cooma-Monaro Inaloy Fire Trail 19
Cooma-Monaro Cowra Creek Fire Trail 4
Cooma-Monaro David’s Fire Trail 2.1
Cooma-Monaro Clear Hills Fire Trail 5
Cooma-Monaro Mt Dowling Fire Trail 16
Cooma-Monaro Towneys Ridge Fire Trail 6
Cunningham Warialda Periphery 2 20
Cunningham Upper Bingara Fire Trail
Dungog Dungog Fire Trail Signs
Far North Coast Byrangary Fire Trail 1
Far North Coast Main Arm Fire Trail (NC67) 2
Far North Coast Burringbar Fire Trail (NC69) 1
Far North Coast Mill Rd Fire Trail (NC95) 1
Far North Coast Broken Head Fire Trail (NC68) 0.5
Far North Coast New Brighton Fire Trail (NC44) 0.5
Far North Coast Mooball Spur Fire Trail 1
Far North Coast Palmwoods Fire Trail (NC06) 0.5
Gloucester Coneac Trail 6
Gloucester Moores Trail 6
Gloucester Mt Mooney Fire Trail 6
Gosford District Signs – Fire Trails
Great Lakes Ebsworth Fire Trail 1
Great Lakes Tuncurry High Fire Trail 0.6
Great Lakes Monterra Ave Trail – Hawks Nest 0.7
Greater Argyle Browns Rd Komungla 12
Greater Argyle Greater Argyle Fire Trail Maintenance
Greater Argyle Cookbundoon Fire Trail 2
Greater Taree District Tinonee St Road Reserve 0.25
Greater Taree District Beach St SFAZ – Wallabi Point 0.35
Greater Taree District Sth Woodlands Dr – SFAZ 1.3
Greater Taree District Cedar Party Rd – Taree 2
Hawkesbury District Sargents Road (2)  ?tenure 0.75
Hawkesbury District Parallel Trail (2) 2.5
Hawkesbury District Parallel Trail (1) 1.1
Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai Tunks Ridge, Dural 1
Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai Radnor & Cairnes Fire Trail 0.5
Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai Binya Cl, Hornsby Heights 1.5
Shellharbour District Saddleback – Hoddles Trail 3
Shellharbour District Rough Range Trail 1
Lake Macquarie District Kilaben Bay Fire Trail 1.5
Lake Macquarie District Gates – Access Management
Lake Macquarie District Signs – APZ
Lake Macquarie District Signs – Fire Trails
Lithgow Wilsons Glen Trail 6.1
Lithgow Kanimbla Fire Trail No 314 7.8
Lithgow Camels Back Trail No 312 4.5
Lithgow Crown Creek Trail No 206 7
Lithgow Capertee Common Trail No 203 3
Lower Hunter Zone Access Infrastructure – All Districts
Lower North Coast Cabbage Tree Lane Fire Trail, Kempsey 1.5
Lower North Coast Bullocks Quarry Fire Trail 0.66
Lower North Coast Perimeter Protection, Main St, Eungai Creek, Nambucca 0.6
Mid North Coast Urunga Lagoon, Bellingen 4
Mid North Coast Wenonah Head, Bellingen 4
Mudgee Munro’s Fire Trail 24
Mudgee Munro’s Fire Trail 5.25
Penrith Londonderry/Castlereagh 6
Port Stephens Bobs Farm Fire Trails 4
Port Stephens Salamander Way Fire Trail 1.5
Port Stephens Gan Gan Hill West Fire Trail 1.2
Port Stephens Nelson Bay – Gan Gan Hill (Trail) 1.5
Port Stephens Taylors Beach Fire Trail 1
Port Stephens Nelson Bay – Wallawa Rd (SFAZ) 0.7
Port Stephens Taylors Beach East Fire Trail 3.5
Port Stephens Nelson Bay – Wallawa Rd (Gates)
Port Stephens Port Stephens Fire Trail Signs
Port Stephens Corlette – Salamander Way (Trail) 1
Shoalhaven APZ Access Works
Snowy River Southern Boundary Fire Trail 3
Snowy River Somme Valley Fire Trail 5
Sutherland District Forbes Creek North Trail 1.3
Sutherland District Still Creek Complex (Trail) 3.8
Sutherland District Mannikin Trail 1.5
Sutherland District Viburnum Trail 0.8
Sutherland District Mill Creek Complex 2.6
Sutherland District Loftus Creek Complex 1.9
Sutherland District Cranberry Trail 0.8
Sutherland District Turella Trail 0.8
Sutherland District Freemantle Trail 0.4
Sutherland District Illaroo Trail 0.7
Sutherland District Yala East Trail 0.9
Sutherland District Bunyan Fire Trail 1.2
Sutherland District Rosewell Service Trail 0.5
Sutherland District Belarada Service Trail 0.3
Sutherland District Belbowrie Service Trail 0.3
Sutherland District Leawarra Fire Trail 0.9
Sutherland District McKenzie Service Trail 0.7
Sutherland District Walsh Close Trail 0.7
Sutherland District Yala West Trail 0.7
Sutherland District Barnes Cres Service Trail 0.6
Sutherland District Illumba Trail 0.5
Sutherland District Penrose Trail 0.5
Sutherland District Tatler Place Trail 0.5
Sutherland District Torumba Service Trail 0.5
Sutherland District Friendship Trail 0.4
Sutherland District Kippax – Rosewall Trail 0.4
Sutherland District Tallarook Service Trail 0.4
Sutherland District Billa Service Trail 0.3
Sutherland District Chestnut Trail 0.2
Sutherland District Croston Rd Trail 0.3
Sutherland District Kingswood Rd Trail 0.3
Sutherland District Roebourne Trail 0.3
Sutherland District Whimbrel Service Trail 0.3
Sutherland District Shearwater Trail 0.1
Tamworth Moore Creek Dam Reserve 3.5
Tamworth Moore Creek Dam Reserve 1
Tumut Bundarbo Fire Trail (Stage 1) 30
Tumut Yammatree Reserve 2
Tumut Thomas Boyd Track Head 2
Tumut Tumut Bush Common 5
Tumut Batlow Hill 2
Tumut Rimmers Ridge – Adelong
Tumut Bangadang 7
Upper Lachlan Upper Lachlan Fire Trail Maintenance
Upper Lachlan Isabella Fire Trail 10
Wagga Wagga Silvatite Reserve (Trails) 5
Wagga Wagga Wagga Wagga Towns & Villages (Trails) 10
Wagga Wagga Kyeamba Gap 4
Wagga Wagga San Isadore 3
Warringah/Pittwater Sandy Trail 0.1
Warringah/Pittwater Lovett Bay Trail 2.5
Warringah/Pittwater Elvina Bay Trail 1.5
Warringah/Pittwater Aumuna Cooyong Trail 0.2
Wingecarribee P3 Fire Trail 6
Wingecarribee Weir Fire trail 3.8
Wingecarribee Lukes Fire trail 0.1
Wollondilly Bargo Weir Fire Trail 10
Wyong District YMCA North / South Link Fire Trail 2
Wyong District YMCA South / Kanangra Dr Fire Trail 2
Wyong District Lake Munmorah Fire Trails 3.25
Wyong District Hyles St Fire Trail, Chittaway Pt 0.1
Wyong District Big “T” and YMCA Link Fire Trails 1.5
Wyong District Lake Road Fire Trail, Chittaway Point 0.1
Wyong District Big “T” Fire Trail – Crangan Bay 1.1
Wyong District Wyong APZ Signs
Wyong District Lake Road Fire Trail, Tuggerah 1
Wyong District Doyalson North, 219-225 Pacific Hway (Trail) 0.8
Yass Valley Yass Valley Fire Trail Maintenance

i.e.  Approximately an area 24km x 24km

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One Response to “Rural Fire Service strategy misguided”

  1. Barbara Pelczynska says:

    This is an excellent article – we have the same problems in Victoria. Before the Black Saturday fires some consideration was given to the effect the controlled burns would be having on the natural environment, now satisfying the quota is all that matters and the natural reserves and national parks are being burned. If this regime continues, there will be no regeneration and the already stressed ecosystems will collapse.

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