Tasmanian Devils

 (under gestation)
Tasmanian Devil  (Sarcophilus harrisii) 
– The scientific name probably named by Phil Harris using Sarco (Latin for  ‘flesh eating’)
Photo  by Cameron Wells, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute


In 1863, touring English naturalist (ornithologist, zoologist, taxidermist) , John Gould, predicted that the Tasmanian tiger was doomed to extinction:

    ‘When the comparatively small island of Tasmania becomes more densely populated, and its primitive forests are intersected with roads from the eastern to the western coast, the numbers of this singular animal will speedily diminish, extermination will have its full sway, and it will then, like the Wolf in England and Scotland, be recorded as an animal of the past…’

We could be talking this way soon about the Tasmanian Devil, in the same way Gould was predicting the extinction of the Thylacene.



>Tasmania Devil – articles


Scientific Classification:



none known


Conservation Status:


IUCN Red List Status:




Geographic Range:






Natural Food Sources:




Ecology and Behaviour:






Population Trend:


Conservation Actions:


Supportive Organisations:




Protective Laws:


Penalties for breaching these Laws:


Recovery Plans:



Government Agencies Responsible:


  • Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (2011)


Government Funding:


Government Leader most able to save the Species:


  • Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard


Relevant Links:


Further Resources:



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