Supporting The Habitat Advocate
The Habitat Advocate is ‘A VOICE FOR NATIVE HABITAT‘ – our motto since our founding in 2006. Our founder, Steven Ridd commissioned wildlife artist Lynn Naismith on 16th June 2006 to paint this representation with handing over copyright, based upon his design request. (^ We are very grateful to Lynn. And we have since registered this painted image as an apt trademark logo of The Habitat Advocate.
We welcome support for our website and for our advocacy to conserve and protect wildlife and their habitat.
We are a not-for-profit organisation, yet to function we incur ongoing costs of website maintenance and development – which since our establishment in 2009, have amounted to about $2,000 per year.
All funds received by us at The Habitat Advocate are deposited into a dedicated bank account in the name of ‘The Habitat Advocate’, which is held with the Katoomba & Upper Blue Mountains Community Bank ®, a branch of the Bendigo Bank. All funds in this account are only used to pay direct costs to maintain The Habitat Advocate website – essentially website registration, hosting and development costs. The funds are not used for any other purpose.
We have no office, no paid staff, no equipment and it is an undertaking of the owners that this organisational model shall not change, ever. The owners of The Habitat Advocate do not draw any funds from this account, instead only offer their time, personal equipment and contributions on a strictly voluntary and philanthropic basis.
Wildlife have no voice, and we seek to be part of their voice for rights, respect and justice.
Of course, we shall welcome additional support for our website from readers and from the general community. Our budget is lean, so it does not take a great contribution to meet costs and so remain sustainable.
We offer the following options for anyone wishing to support The Habitat Advocate and its wildlife habitat causes:
Confidential Donations
Advertising with Us
Submitting pro-Conservation Articles
Purchasing Our Merchandise
Bequest to The Habitat Advocate
If you, or someone you know, may be interested in discussing sponsorship options for The Habitat Advocate with us, please contact us via our website page: >Sponsors Contact Us
1. Confidential Donations
Confidential Donations, are as the term suggests, strictly confidential between the donor and The Habitat Advocate to solely support our advocacy work. The Habitat Advocate undertakes to maintain that confidentiality in perpetuity.
We make available and accept two types of Confidential Donations, as follows:
A. Anonymous Donations
At The Habitat Advocate we recognise that the nature of our wildlife habitat advocacy by its inherent nature inclines to be controversial, often because it challenges deep cultures. We also recognise that many in the global community, while personally supporting the causes we take on and the stances we take, do not want to be publicly connected with such support due to concern for implications. We acknowledge this pragmatism is prudent, sensible and justifiable.
We respect every person’s right to anonymity and so we make available the option for ANYONE to donate to The Habitat Advocate anonymously. In accepting such a donation we therefore impose no rules nor restrictions.
Since we cannot know who an anonymous donor is, we can provide no acknowledgement or receipt to such a donation, but we nonetheless thank the donor wholeheartedly for their support and generosity.
B. Confidential Donations with Receipts
At The Habitat Advocate we similarly recognise that confidential supporters require confidential recognition of their donations to The Habitat Advocate.
We are equally appreciative and accordingly we provide a receipt for each confidential donation.
In order that we may distinguish Confidential Donations (requiring a receipt) from Anonymous Donations that do not requre a receipt, The Habitat Advocate requires the donor to email us at specifically requesting that we email a receipt. Such an email request to us needs to be made for each donation, in order that we are prompted to generate a receipt.
So that me may correctly identify the donor, the email request needs to include the following information please:
- Donor’s Name (a pen name is fine – it is only to be sure we have the right sender, not to know who you are)
- Amount donated
- Donor’s email address
- Date of donation
- Bank Transfer Description (Please use a unique format being: Your email address before the @ + standard international date , i.e. YYMMDD
This means that writing the date in the format as YearMonthDay. So for example, 7th August 2012 is written as ‘20120807’.
Transfer Description Example: If your email address is fred@youremailaddress then your transfer description would be:
Note: If your email address before the @ happens to be more than ten characters, then only include the first ten characters + the standard date. The aim is to ensure that you do not exceed the bank’s 18 alpha-numeric character limit.
The Habitat Advocate’s Bank Details
The Habitat Advocate has a dedicated bank account in the name of ‘The Habitat Advocate‘, which is held with The Katoomba & Upper Blue Mountains Community Bank®, a branch of the Bendigo Bank, in Australia.
The Habitat Advocate bank account details are as follows:
Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Bank Branch: Katoomba NSW
Account Name: The Habitat Advocate
BSB: 062-559
Bank Account Number: 1044 2152
Transfer Description: Your Name and date please. Then please email us as editor[at] so we can confirm receipt and thank you.
2. Advertise with Us as a Sponsor
We offer and welcome paid advertising on this website. Be a proud sponsor of wildlife habitat advocacy.
Importantly, since The Habitat Advocate is a environmental activist website dedicated to wildlife conservation, we consider it vital that any accepted advertiser and advertisement be wholly consistent with the principles and direction of this website. Funding is important so that we continue to be sustainable, but not at the expense of ethical principle.
We acknowledge that website advertising is clearly about promoting business offerings to attract prospective customers in order to earn increased revenue and make a profit. We label all website advertising on The Habitat Advocate as ‘Sponsorship‘. This is because up front, we engage with each advertiser individually on the basis of requiring their endorsement for the content of this website, rather than simply for indiscriminate commercial gain.
We only allow website advertising to advertisers that offer products and services which are ethically not inconsistent with the principles and direction of The Habitat Advocate and who then agree to advertise on the following bases:
- An advertiser must be an organisation that does not offer any services or products inconsistent with the Purpose of The Habitat Advocate (see below)
- An advertisement placed on The Habitat Advocate must not be inconsistent with the purpose of The Habitat Advocate
- An advertiser must be supportive of the purpose of The Habitat Advocate
Purpose of The Habitat Advocate:
- To promote greater awareness across the general community about the plight of wildlife native habitat and of the many ongoing threats that wildlife face
- To provide habitat news about wildlife and native habitat issues, threats and recovery actions
- To author and invite articles on wildlife and habitat conservation issues
- To advocate greater protection and conservation of native flora and fauna
- To challenge and critique those human actions, practices, behaviours, attitudes and underlying cultures that kill, harm or threaten natural flora and fauna
On this basis, if you, or someone you know, may be interested in discussing sponsorship options for The Habitat Advocate with us, please contact us via our website page: >Contact Us
The Habitat Visitation Statistics
The Habitat Advocate has a standard broad-based statistical tool that captures only total visitation to our website. This tool does not identify who visits our website, but usefully the total number of visits to our website and the totalnumber of visits to each of our published articles. These visitation statistics allow us to gauge the broad interest in our website as well as to better understand what subject matter most visitors are interested in.
Importantly, our Editor’s choice of articles and topics are driven by various factors such as the priority of wildlife issues and the need to diversify the wildlife coverage on our website. However, under no circumstances do we focus on subject matter simply to maximise visitation, as we would consider this unethically manipulative.
The following results show the total of visitations to The Habitat Advocate as at the end of July 2012:
3. Submit pro-Conservation Articles
We invite and welcome contributed articles for publication on The Habitat Advocate from any member of the public, which are consistent with the ‘Purpose of The Habitat Advocate‘ (see above).
While an article does not contribute funding, we no less recognise and appreciate that a thoughtful article contributes someone’s personal time and effort (which is funding in a sense) and which helps us in our resourcing of information to this website. After all, this website is premised upon information sharing, and the more information shared helps spreads the writing burden.
If you are interested in contributing an article to The Habitat Advocate, please contact us via our website page: >Contact Us
Good articles include high quality photos, full referencing and have been spell-checked and proof read to add credibility to the author.
Authors may chose to use an anonymous pen name and we respect this right of privacy and indeed encourage such wise practice on the Internet. Advocacy is all about the message and it matters not who sends it. We uphold anonymous freedom of speech.
4. Purchase our Merchandise
The Habitat Advocate is planning to have available on demand the following merchandise as part of our sponsorship offering.
These shall be made available with our logos subject to interests expressed:
Habitat Hi-Vis Rain Jacket $250
Habitat Hoodie $150
Habitat Montage Poster $50
Habitat Beanie $30
Habitat Key Ring $20
Habitat Book Mark $10
To register your interest or to find out more, please contact us via our website page: >Contact Us
5. Bequest to The Habitat Advocate
Give wildlife a lasting legacy: make a bequest to The Habitat Advocate.
The Law Society of NSW recommends the following words:
“I bequeath the sum of $__________ to The Habitat Advocate for its general purposes and declare that the receipt from The Editor for the time being of The Habitat Advocate shall be complete discharge to my executors in respect of any sum paid to The Habitat Advocate.”
Making a bequest is one of the best ways of ensuring that The Habitat Advocate website with its depth of resources in support of the plight of wildlife may be perpetuated and made available for future generations, long after the founder has passed on. To find out more, please contact us via our website page: >Contact Us
Before making a bequest, The Habitat Advocate recommends you seek advice from a lawyer.
We thank you for your interest in sponsoring The Habitat Advocate