Archive for the ‘10. + Wild Regions International Treaty’ Category

Wild Tasmania Photography Exhibition

Saturday, November 10th, 2012
(Click image to enlarge)


<<An outstanding photographic exhibition from Tasmania’s elite landscape photographers, showcasing our beautiful island home.

The artists that feature in this exhibition all have different styles of work and between them manage to capture the raw beauty of Tasmania.  With over 45 years experience trekking around in the wild places most people never get the chance to see these, artists will reignite your love of this place and remind you that Tasmania is one of the most beautiful places on earth.  There is something for everyone in powerful landscapes to incredibly delicate and intricate macro photographs.  Their passionate love for Tasmania and their desire to conserve and protect it for future generations’ shines through in the breathtaking pieces featured in this exhibition.  Hailed as being the exhibition of the year, this is not to be missed.>>



Long Gallery
Salamanca Arts Centre
77 Salamanca Place, Hobart, Tasmania


‘The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but having new eyes’

~ Marcel Proust, French novelist


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