Archive for the ‘Blue Mountains (AU)’ Category

Greenwashing Blue Mountains Water Quality

Monday, March 31st, 2014
Catalina Reservoir-WS0395 half-paintedSydney Water reservoir half-painted
Narrow Neck Road, Katoomba 
[Photo by Editor, 20131213, Photo © under  ^Creative Commons]

This water reservoir tank is one of two on the ridgetop at Narrow Neck Road, Katoomba (Central Blue Mountains, New South Wales) which supplies drinking water to the immediate and surrounding residents of Katoomba.

Previously, in May 2013 we took a photo of both tanks showing the white chlorine salt efflorescence stains and we published an article later in August that year.  Why then should someone wish to paint over the stains with green paint?  Do they think it will make the water cleaner and more appealing to be drunk?

In our previous article on this topic we asked:  “Are we to now expect fresh green paint over the chlorine salt efflorescent tanks to hide the problem?” It seems Sydney Water has done just that.  Who else would spend their own money to paint over a government water tank? Why is it that Sydney Water’s water quality analysis measured at the upstream Cascade Reservoir and not from these tanks before it flows to residents?

This is the analysis:

>‘Typical drinking water analysis’, Cascade Water Supply System’ (66kb, PDF)

[Source:  ‘Typical drinking water analysis’, Cascade Water Supply System, Sydney Water,  undated (so supposedly indicative),  ^]

This is the same tank previously in May 2013:

Catalina-Reservoir-WS0395Blue Mountains drinking water tank with chlorine salt stains
Mineral salt efflorescence
Narrow Neck Road, Katoomba
[Photo by Editor, 20130507, Photo © under  ^Creative Commons]


This is our previous article:


Blue Mountains tap water not worth drinking


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