Archive for the ‘Blue Mountains (AU)’ Category

Road kill to Oberon

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013
Australian KangarooAustralian roadkill on the Jenolan Caves Road to Oberon
west of the Blue Mountains, New South Wales
[Photo by Editor 20131109, © under  ^Creative Commons]


Taking the tourist drive out to Oberon last weekend, we must have counted two dozen dead, mangled and fly blown Australian animals along the roadside.  Kangaroos and wombats mainly; and a few feral cats and foxes.

It was a bizarre ‘Welcome to Oberon’ along the Jenolan Caves Road and then along the Duckmaloi Road into the logging and quarry town of Oberon.

We first passed by Hytec’s Austen Quarry outside Hartley which carves into the hillside to produce road making aggregate crushed rock.


Austen QuarryHytec’s Austen Quarry
Jenolan Caves Road
[Source:  ^]


We passed by this fly-blown wombat grossly mangled by the massive B-double sand trucks.


WombatWhat’s left of a Wombat
Jenolan Caves Road
[Photo by Editor 20131109, © under  ^Creative Commons]


The B-doubles hoon along as if racing motorbikes.  We were tailgate bullied by one on the road out to Oberon.  The B-double sand trucks travel through the night at speed and so the wildlife has no chance.


B-Double Sand Truck on Duckmaloi RoadDuckmaloi Road to Oberon
[Photo by Editor 20131109, © under  ^Creative Commons]



Kangaroo Next 20km SignKangaroo sign more of a token gesture
Situated on the Jenolan Caves Road opposite clearfell native forest.
[Photo by Editor 20131109, © under  ^Creative Commons]


KangarooLess kangaroos next 20km
Jenolan Caves Road
[Photo by Editor 20131109, © under  ^Creative Commons]


Logging TruckB-Double Logging Truck
Loaded up from Jenolan State Forest, along the Duckmaloi Road to Oberon’s Timber Mill
[Photo by Editor 20131109, © under  ^Creative Commons]


One Oberon based tourism operator promotes things to do around Oberon thus:

“Explore the spectacular Blue Mountains High Country on horseback and quad bikes, ride beneath a canopy of pine forests, marvel at the unspoiled bushland, gaze into a crystal clear creek, breathe the clean mountain air.”


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