Archive for the ‘Blue Mountains (AU)’ Category

Blue Mountains disappearing for profit

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013
Housing Development in the Blue MountainsStuarts Road, Katoomba
This site was intact undisturbed escarpment heathland so dense that it was impossible to walk into it.
[Photo by Editor 20130715, photo © under  ^Creative Commons]


“The control of Nature” is a phrase conceived in arrogance, born of the Neanderthal age of biology and philosophy when it was supposed that Nature exists for the convenience of Man.”

~ Rachael Carson


Then in ecological teachings and outdoor recreation they teach “minimal impact”  respect for the Natural environment:


“Take nothng but pictures, kill nothing but time, leave nothing but footprints.”


“The purist ecological approach remains a world away from all manner of industrial reality down the road.”



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