Archive for the ‘Blue Mountains (AU)’ Category

Frosty Morning in The Gully

Thursday, July 11th, 2013
Frosty Morning in The GullyFrosty Morning in the Gully
[Photo by Editor, 20130711, Photo © under  ^Creative Commons]
Click image to enlarge


Calling Me Home


<< I can feel the souls of my ancestors calling me back home
To all the familiar places and tracks I once did roam
I can see my Grandmother’s house at the end of Adams Street,
Where all the Aunties, Uncles and Cousins I did meet

To the banks of the Bokhara River running under the Richmond Bridge
You can hear the waters flow to the sound of an Elder’s didge
I can smell the boogalies cooking in a camp oven at my Aunty’s place
I can see the sun arising on the wrinkles of my Pop’s face
I can recall how my uncle taught me how to ride

In a paddock near their place with Robbo by my side
But I know I must stay here to get a good education
For I want to go back home after my graduation
To see the many family, friends and familiar faces I have known

I can feel the souls of my ancestors calling me back home
They’re calling me back, my ancestors in Mother Earth
I want to go back home, to the country of my birth. >>


[Source:  ‘Calling Me Home’, by Lyndon Lane, Goodooga, NSW, in Koori Mail 507, p.23, ^]


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