Old Growth Forests still being logged in NSW
Friday, June 21st, 2013Ed: This article was submitted by E. R. Bendall 20130614.
Likewise, we encourage genuine environmentalists to contact us at The Habitat Advocate about submitting articles to us concerning impacts and threats upon wildlife and wildlife habitat.

<<Several large tree specimens, remnants from a time long past, remain standing in New South Wales, Australia.
They are often trees that were spared from logging due to being of a shape not suitable or impractical to remove. They are often surrounded by secondary forest that is State owned and is still being logged.

Due to the destructive and unsightly nature of logging in native forests, incentives given to the public by the State to visit them are often not exciting, their facilities rudimentary and their roads difficult to navigate and/or impassable. The general public is blissfully unaware of what happens in NSW State Forests.
It is not an accident that our most valuable timber and productive forests are not protected and are located adjacent to our National Parks, giving the illusion that something has been done to conserve nature.
“I’m not sure if NSW Forestry (Corporation) gives licences to contractors to log areas, but I would say it’s possible given that they ran over their own signage (Myall River State Forest).
It is a state owned ‘State Forest’ squashed between a section of Myall Lakes National Park and Ghin Doo-Ee National Park, about 40 mins drive (north east) from (the township of) Bulahdelah. Easily accessible with a 4WD along Cabbage Tree Road, although the other entrances to the area from the west and north are impossible due to missing bridges/road, etc.”
~ E. R. Bendall
While Australians point the finger at our overseas neighbours over the logging of their ancient forests, time slips by and nobody notices what is happening in our own backyard.
Each day we lose another piece of our Primary Forest (less than 8% of pre-European level remains), yet no one in an office block thinks twice about the printing of that paper or where it may have come from.
Where exactly does it come from?
Ask yourself that question in every regard and every aspect of your life. Don’t ignore anything.
Are you willing to go out there and have a look for yourself what is happening in our own bush?
The Wild still exists! >>
Bulahdelah NSW
A continuous canopy 50-75m high, 400-500 year old eucalyptus trees, with dense rainforest understorey, critical habitat for the Tiger Quoll and the Sooty Owl, in the process of being stripped and logged, with nearly all remaining trees marked for logging (2012).