Tasmania’s Forest Agreement 2011: key docs
Sunday, January 22nd, 2012
Tasmanian Forest Agreement Verification: Advice to Prime Minister and Premier of Tasmania (Click map to enlarge, then click map again to enlarge again)
Tasmanian Forests Agreement – some key documents
(newest to oldest – with format ‘document title YYYYMMDD‘).
[17] Conservation Agreement (Gillard Govt with Forestry Tasmania 20120113).pdf [272kB].
[16] Tasmanian Forests IGA Newsletter Final_20111121.pdf [85kB]
[14] National Partnership Agreement (IGA) Tasmania and Commonwealth 20110929.pdf [48kB].
[13] ENGO Report of Logging breaching IGA Clause 26 – 20110920.pdf [4.3MB].
[12] Tasmanian Forests Agreement Independent Verification Group 20110909.pdf [40kB].
[11] Independent Verification Group Terms of Reference 20110819.pdf [71kB].
[10] Tasmanian Forests Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) 20110807.pdf [271kB].
[9] Heads of Agreement 20110724.pdf [47kB].
[8] FIAT Submission to Legislative Council Re Transition out of Forestry 20110407.pdf [2.8MB].
[7] Tasmanian Forest Contractors Exit Assistance Program 201011.pdf [64kB].
[6] Tasmanian Forests Statement of Principles 20101007.pdf [82kB].
[5] Tasmanian Forests Interim Report (Bill Kelty 2010331).pdf [15MB].
[4] Tasmanian Forest Agreement (Howard Liberal Government) CFA 20050510.pdf [2111kB].
[3] Protecting Private Forests (Howard Liberal Government 20050905).pdf [267kB].
[2] Blueprint for Tasmania’s Forest (Timber Workers for Forests 200408).pdf [550kB].
[1] Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement 19991020.pdf [84kB]