Archive for the ‘Blue Mountains (AU)’ Category

A callous hate of healthy Nature

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013
Tree DecapitatedA rare and perhaps 150 year old and healthy endemic Eucalpytus Oreades tree
Land buyer:  “Hey Asplundh, it’s in the way of where I want to build a house to sell for profit.”


Our Investigative Journalist:    “I think the E.Oreades was chopped down today (20131125) , as I heard a chainsaw coming from Loftus St.”

When 17 year olds were cut down in the prime of their life during The Great War for no reason or for someone else’s evil ends, all involved governments just sent in more to top up the slaughter with the stroke of a polly pen.

When it comes to preservating ecological life worth living, Blue Mountains Council in 2013 belongs to that same callous mindset.  They continue to proclaim being a City within a World Heritage Area.

God knows why.


Healthy Life struck down in its prime
A healthy specimen of an Oreades with no signs of disease or rot.
We consider that what took place in Loftus Street Katoomba, Blue Mountains on Monday 25th November 2013, was an act of callous ecological murder
by Asplundh for one property developer’s personal greed.


“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”


~ Edmund Burke PC (b.1729)  an  Irish statesman, author, orator, political theorist and philosopher.


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