Witness to Tasmania’s Styx Forest Holocaust
Sunday, October 2nd, 2011Just back from a visit to Tasmania’s majestic world heritage Styx Valley, the editor is shocked at the indiscriminate forest ecocide by Forestry Tasmania ~ a Martin Bryant on the loose slaughtering Tasmania’s irreplaceable ancient forest heritage.

Forestry Tasmania ~ the mind of a ‘forestpath’:

Like this mentally disturbed misfit, who as a child cut down trees on a neighbour’s property and received an air rifle for his 14th birthday; Forestry Tasmania, has been reared by successive Tasmanian governments creating a subsidised cushion around it that throughout its existence has protected it from reality ~ economic reality, social reality , ecological reality.
Tasmanian Government artificial cushions have acted as constraints that impeded or at least diffused, and gave an outlet for, its most obsessive tendencies ~ clearfell and bush arson. ‘Left to its own mounting frustrations, angers, resentment of rejection and social misunderstanding’. Forestry Tasmania’s current clear-felling rampage ranks among the deadliest for Tasmanian old growth forests in the 21st Century.
. [Adapted from the Sydney Morning Herald article ‘A dangerous mind: what turned Martin Bryant into a mass murderer?’, by Robert Wainwright and Paola Totaro, 20090427, ^http://www.smh.com.au/national/a-dangerous-mind-what-turned-martin-bryant-into-a-mass-murderer-20090427-ajk4.html].
Forestry Tool of the Trade:

Pull the other one!