Ban ALL Australia’s Live Animal Exports
Tuesday, December 11th, 2012Australia’s live animal trade cannot be trusted. Animal cruelty offence after offence ignored by Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) has become recidivist.
This organisation has not only neglected the welfare of Australian animals to slaughter time and again, it has sacrificed the standards of the Australian industry it supposedly represents.
Australian farm animals are being shipped live overseas to be tortured by cultures below Australian morality.
Australia’s entire live export industry needs to be shut down for it systemically being complicit in persistent animal cruelty and immorality.
If that means Australian participating farmers and their families go broke, so be it. Australian farmers complicit in this immoral, unscrupulous and unaccountable trade are unworthy of profiting from it. They are no better than those of previous centuries who profitted out of the misery of the human slave trade or the child sex trade.
Australia’s Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Senator Joe Ludwig, ultimately responsible needs to be sacked for recklessly presiding over repeated Australia’s agricultural trade immorality and for his gross incompetence in failing to address systemic animal cruelty for now years.

The entire Meat and Livestock Australia Board of Directors needs to be sacked:
- Chairman, Robert Anderson
- Managing Director, Scott Hansen
- Director, Michelle-Allen
- Director, Lucinda Corrigan
- Director, Greg Harper
- Director, Christine-Gilbertson
- Director, Geoff-Maynard
- Director, John-McKillop
- Director, Peter Trefort
- Director, Rodney-Watt

‘Indonesian torture of Australian Cattle in June 2011’
‘Shocking undercover live export investigation: Tnuva, Israel‘
[Source: ‘‘Shocking undercover live export investigation: Tnuva, Israel’, 20121211, ^ ]
‘2011 Video shows cattle cruelty’
[Source: ‘Video shows cattle cruelty’, by Richard Willingham, The Age newspaper, 20110825, ^].

<<New vision obtained by Fairfax appears to show cruelty to cattle in Israel, one of the countries to which Australia exports its livestock.
Fresh evidence of cruel treatment of Australian livestock in foreign markets has raised new doubt about the ability of the government and industry to ensure the welfare of animals exported for slaughter.
Footage obtained by The Age shows filth-covered cattle being belted with spike-tipped poles as they are unloaded from a cramped truck in Israel. More than 43,000 cattle were exported there in 2010.
It comes as cattle exports to Vietnam are about to resume after a seven-year break, raising concern among Labor backbenchers and Animals Australia because of Vietnam’s animal welfare record.
An image taken from the video appears to show cattle being belted with spike-tipped poles.
The film, shot by Israeli group Anonymous for Animal Rights on August 12, shows cattle covered in faeces after their long boat voyage. ”It was quite obvious that the handlers had no training at all, and that the poles had nails or something sharp on the end,” spokeswoman Hila Jerem said.
While the footage is not as confronting as that from Indonesia, welfare groups say it is further evidence of how little Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) know about foreign markets but are still willing to promote exports to them….>>

